Firefly Design LLC

Product Design Consulting

Firefly Ice: Getting Started: Understanding the Indicators

The Firefly Ice has several indicators that are used by the firmware to communicate various states, such as charging status, Bluetooth connection status, etc.  The indicators can also be controlled by an app using the API.  The discussion below describes how the firmware uses the indicators.

There is one indicator over the USB port.  There are 5 more indicators to the side.  These are numbered 1 through 5 going counter clockwise starting with the indicator closest to the USB port indicator.


When the device is charging the indicator over the USB port breathes orange.

USB Powered and Fully Charged

When the device has USB power and it is fully charged the indicator over the USB port is solid green.

USB Connection

When the device is connected to via USB the 2nd indicator breathes green slowly.

USB Data Syncing

When the device is syncing data via USB the 2nd indicator breathes green quickly.

Bluetooth Connection

When the device is connected via Bluetooth the 4th indicator breathes blue slowly.

Bluetooth Data Syncing

When the device is syncing data via Bluetooth the 4th indicator breathes blue quickly.

Time Not Set

If the time is not set the 1st and 5th indicators will alternate breathing red.

Reset Sequence

During a device reset the 1st and 5th indicators will be solid red and the USB port indicator will be orange.